Why You Need to Put Your Wealth in a Trust

The Greatest Wealth Transfer in History is underway. In the next 20 years, members of Generation X...
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Navigating Trust Structures: Directed vs. Delegated Trusts

Blended families, where one or both spouses bring children from previous marriages into a new family...
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The Benefits of Trusts in Blended Families: South Dakota Situs

Blended families, where one or both spouses bring children from previous...
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An alternative to the Massachusetts Millionaire Tax

On November 8, 2022, Massachusetts voters approved a ballot measure to amend the Massachusetts......
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Trusts 101: South Dakota puts the special in Special Purpose Entity

South Dakota is consistently regarded by high-net-worth individuals and their...
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Trusts 101: Why Partner With An Independent Corporate Trustee

When setting up a trust, choosing the trustee is the most important decision...
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Trusts 101 for Investment Advisors: Types of Trusts Explained

Are you advising your clients on the transfer of wealth through generations via...
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Common Questions about Asset Protection Trusts

From time to time the news media covers various issues related to the popularity of South Dakota’s...
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When selecting a trustee, does size really matter?

When we start working with a new client, it’s often at the end of an evaluation process that invol...
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Real estate strategy affected by a slow corporate trustee?

Have you lost out on a home buying opportunity because you couldn’t get a distribution in time? He...
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For attorneys, retiring can be trickier than you thought

Over the past few months, we have had several calls from attorneys who are...
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3 Takeaways from the 53rd Annual Heckerling Conference

In January, I had the pleasure of attending the 53rd Annual Heckerling Conference...
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Are you a creature of habit – at the expense of your clients?

In many situations, being a creature of habit is beneficial. It guides you through...
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Wealthy family who uses trust administration services to protect their assets

9 Questions Wealthy Families Should Be Asking in 2018

Here we are passing through February into March already and settling in to a new year. Often, the ne...
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Sterling Trustees top-ranked in SD by Chambers and Partners

Sterling Trustees, LLC has been recognized by Chambers and Partners...
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Trust business swells in SD with international changes

For decades, South Dakota has been among the most favorable places in the…...
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Wealth Advisor: How South Dakota Became A Leader In National Trust

Last year Gov. Dennis Daugaard reconfigured South Dakota's trust task force…...
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In recent years, trust activity getting large in South Dakota

Trust companies headquartered in South Dakota surpassed...
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Private Wealth magazine: The South Dakota Story

The casual observer has probably encountered a South Dakota story without even knowing it. Such stor...
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